UK From Space

Business as usual through the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A message from Tetra Consulting

We are all in unprecedented and turbulent times.  It is saddening to see so much upheaval across so many lives and communities. However, it is truly inspiring to notice our reactions both personally and from a business perspective. Our clients, suppliers and staff are mostly cracking on and dealing with the changing situations as best we can.

I want to assure you that as a business we are doing all we can to keep calm, carry on and be pragmatic.  Health and Safety compliance plays its own important part in helping companies to manage their property situations.  We believe, as an essential service, we have much to offer ensuring Health and Safety continues to be a priority for our clients and the properties they own, manage and or occupy are safe.

Our consultants and staff are taking all the precautions as advised by the Government and we continue to follow the latest advice. As a business our IT and administrative systems have been in place to allow home working for over 2 years and I am pleased to say we successfully moved all office staff to home working on Monday this week.  All emails and telephones numbers continue to work as previously.

As this dynamic situation evolves, we are committed to doing our bit, being agile and responsive to clients’ needs, pulling together through tough times and working hard towards a brighter outcome.

Best wishes,

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Peter Moore
Founder & Chairman, Tetra Consulting

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